About MeMy main research areas are philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and philosophy of psychiatry. I explore philosophical and psychological questions about belief, imagination, delusion, rationality/irrationality, and normality/abnormality. I am an associate professor of philosophy at Hokkaido University. Previously, I was an associate professor at Hiroshima University, a research fellow at University of Birmingham as well as Keio University, a visiting student at Yale and MIT, and a graduate student at University of Tokyo. I am an editorial member of Philosophical Psychology, Philosophical Explorations, and the blog Imperfect Cognitions. |
BooksDelusions in the Social Mind
Philosophy of Psychology: An Introduction [blog post 1 and 2]
Delusions and Beliefs: A Philosophical Inquiry [blog post]
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Commentary: Is health philosophically distinctive?
- (2024) with T. Komada, Philosophical Psychology
- (2023) with R. Iizuka. Philosophical Psychology
- (2023) with D. Williams. Psychological Inquiry
- (2022) Asian Journal of Philosophy
- (2022) Asian Journal of Philosophy
- (2022) Asian Journal of Philosophy
- (2022) with K. Suzuki & K. Miyahara, Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- (2019) British Journal of Aesthetics
- (2018) Rivista internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia
- (2016) with M. Kasaki, Journal of Mind and Bahavior
- (2016) with A. Ichino & S. Liao, Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy (OUP)
- (2015) with L. Bortolotti, Teorema
Blog Posts
The Memory Palace
- How to argue for memory's epistemic generativity (with U. Tooming)
Ergo Blog
The Philosopher's Cocoon
- What is it like to be a philosopher in Japan? (with K. Miyahara)
Polity Blog
- The philosophical implications of psychology (with L. Bortolotti)
The Brains Blog
The Imperfect Cognitions
- Remembering Daniel Dennett (with L. Bortolotti)
- Social approaches to delusions (1): The social epistemological conception of delusion
- Group identification, joint actions, and collective intentionality
- Explaining delusional beliefs: A hybrid model
- Delusions and beliefs
- Does functionalism entail extended mind?
- Conference Report: Rationality and its rivals
- The causal role argument against doxasticism about delusions
- Delusions as harmful malfunctioning beliefs
- Conference Report: Dreams, delusions, and early modern literature
- Delusion in DSM 5: A response to Lisa
- Delusions as malfunctioning beliefs
The Junkyard
Philosophy @ Birmingham
iCog Blog