About MeMy main research areas are philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, and philosophy of psychiatry. I explore philosophical and psychological questions about belief, imagination, delusion, rationality/irrationality, and normality/abnormality. I am an associate professor of philosophy at Hokkaido University. Previously, I was an associate professor at Hiroshima University, a research fellow at University of Birmingham as well as Keio University, a visiting student at Yale and MIT, and a graduate student at University of Tokyo. I am an editorial member of Philosophical Psychology, Philosophical Explorations, and the blog Imperfect Cognitions. |
BooksDelusions in the Social Mind
Philosophy of Psychology: An Introduction [blog post 1 and 2]
Delusions and Beliefs: A Philosophical Inquiry [blog post]
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Commentary: Is health philosophically distinctive?
Blog Posts
Ergo Blog The Philosopher's Cocoon
Polity Blog
The Brains Blog The Imperfect Cognitions
The Junkyard Philosophy @ Birmingham iCog Blog |